Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I ve heard a lot of people say that the human body is a well oiled machine. A lot of money is being spent for research on Artificial Intelligence. Oh, I spend money on AI too!!!!!(Got an Arrear!!! He he!!!). Actually that is the reason for my first blog. I started wondering if it is really possible for any machine ( the human body in this case) is capable of functioning with such accuracy and efficiency. Then I was enlightened. I found out the truth about the evolution of man and I am writing this to enlighten the poor souls reading this blog!!!!

Now, let us consider that God(s) is/are not God(s) but scientists involved in a HUGE experiment…… and the subjects… well…. Us human beings!!!! With this assumption in hand I tried to build the whole evolution theory and funnily, everything started to fall in place (at least it satisfied me!!!). This bunch of scientist(s) include a biologist, ecologist, bio-mechanic engineer, a software engineer, an architect and many more!!!!

These scientists are people who knowledge and the power of innumerable scientific breakthrough in the field of biotechnology, computing and engineering. Now, they decide to conduct a large scale experiment on evolution. What could be a better way to study evolution than seeing it live???? So they decide to study evolution as it evolves. Next question is the obvious how. After a lot of analysis they decide to create a solar system with life in 2 planets. One is the original study and the second planet for contingency purposes. The other planets are used to stabilize the climate for these 2 planets. OK. The real work begins and the architect has the job to create the planet. He does a beautiful job and since he has a lot of time to work on the contingency, he created a masterpiece. He called it MARS!!!!!! Now, the biologist and the ecologist put their heads together and create a stable environment for life. This biologist and ecologist are not the thickest of friends…. They try to outdo the other and it results in sabotage!!!!!!!!

That apart, now the bio-mechanic engineer, the software engineer team up and create the life form to study!!!!! Everyone knows that life starts from a single cell…… they use the “amoeba” to create the necessary subject. With amoeba as the source of life and some other single-celled organisms to support it, these great minds started their work on one of the greatest achievement of all time…… THE HUMAN BODY!!!!!!!! They, after a lot of dedication finally came up with a rough draft of the human body.

But everything is not going smoothly. Their sponsors grew restless and finally pulled the plug on their experiment and they were forced to move ahead with the rough draft and inserted it into their constructed eco-system. DISASTER STRIKES!!!!!!!!!! The sabotage done by the ecologist and the biologist make the entire eco-system collapse. The two people meet and patch up. They confess their mistakes to the others and they start work afresh. The tastily constructed contingency planet is brought out and they decide to work on it…. Oh…I forgot…. They named it EARTH!!!!

This time the ecologist and biologist really did a very good job and did a wonderful job of creating the eco-system there and they are really appreciated by the fellow scientists.

It is really costly to create another HUMAN model and everyone is really upset about their lack of funding. Trust a computer engineer to come up with a new logic. He said, “Listen guys, I know it is very difficult to engineer a human and I think I have a way to solve our problems. Let us modify the amoeba and create a new single cellular organism. This organism can be programmed to multiply and evolve into a multi-cellular organism. With your help I can very well make it evolve into a human. I know it is a lot of work, but this is the best thing that can be done and it is cost effective too.!!!!!” The other scientists are really impressed with this idea and start with this idea. The ecologist was asked to recruit a meteorologist and a geologist. Then they started to design time and other factors. They decided that a day shall have only 24 hours unlike their own 24000 hours and every hour shall have exactly 60 minutes and not 60000 minutes and obviously a minute has only 60 seconds and not 60000 seconds. This time would give them ample time to study the subject. The geologist, biologist and the architect together worked out a way to ensure that their eco-system evolves with the evolution of their subject ( in case u folks have forgotten what the subject is… here is the reminder…. Itz HUMANS)

By this time the bio-mechanic engineer had designed a cell which would evolve in to HUMAN and the software engineer has already loaded the programs into the cell.

Since the constructed habitat cannot be left unattended, a few dinosaurs were created. Unfortunately, they multiplied so fast that they had to make a meteor and made it collide with earth. Now that all the dinosaurs are piece-fully dead, they carefully inserted the cell into earth. After careful observation of their experiment for a few days SST (Scientist Standard Time) they finally declared the whole experiment to be a grand success.

But every program has a glitch in it and our programmer’s software too had a glitch. He couldn’t control the specimen’s rate of reproduction and they reproduced exponentially. He said that it is a bug that would remove itself from the software…. And that was the end of that issue (for them atleast!!!!)

By now many million years have been passed and their subjects have evolved to sustain themselves in their habitat. And one of those specimen is now trying to enlighten the other specimen by telling them what exactly happened. Little does NASA know that MARS is only a failed experiment and there is no point in sending probes into mars because all that remains there are remnants of the failed experiment.

The truth on why god came to earth will be revealed in the next blog as you people should get a breather after coming face to face with the reality!!!!!!


Artz said...

Nicely written Sridhar....waiting for the arrival of God....

Rathnavel said...

I definetely take this breater Sridhar.I am astonished by your natural intelligence(thats why Artificial Intelligence always ends up as arrear for you) and the way you made Evolution look so easy. Great Stuff Man. There was a Darwin...There is a Sridhar...There will be...

Unknown said...

Sahikalai.....Spare us, Please!

srikanth.panaman said...

I might've considered reading it if it wasn't such a grammatical nightmare. Why god came to earth? As an atheist, I can't wait not to read that one.

GayathriPrasanna said...

excellent narration sridhar!!
waiting for god's arrival
get ready with ur next blog!!
all the besT

azhvarkadian said...


The Seeker said...

excellent one! waiting for the arrival of god