Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The real weapon of mass destruction!!!

India and Pakistan have been at each others throat for a long time now. We ve been going into war for a long time now, mostly unofficial and sometimes official. Since both countries are bound by international laws to obliterate the other country, the Indian strategic think tank is working overtime to somehow get even with Pakistan.

As the popular saying goes,"When every major invention is made, eureka is not the first word. It is usually,"Thatz funny"". This is the perfect example for the above quote. The think-tank, after a hard day's work of thinking, gathered at the the cafeteria to have their traditional samosa and tea. One of the analyst in that team had a very bad stomach and farted pretty badly, but it turned out to be the silent killer type of fart which only pollutes the air without any noise pollution. This effect was observed by our think tank and a new idea was born.

After making a lot of risk, quality and effect analysis, the think tank finally came to a conclusion that they would send highly trained mercenaries to infiltrate every possible rank in the Pakistan army. The purpose- To fart and puke in the enemy camp so badly that they can never think straight. Yes, some of you might say this is Biological warfare, but there is no rule against farting!!!!!

After several months of grinding training, these elite and top secret mercenaries had to be tested out. Instead of trying them out on Pakistan, this secret group was loaned to the Srilankan government to fart the tigers out of hiding. The results were astounding. Many of the tigers screamed for mercy and a lot of them surrendered. Prabhakaran had no clue as to what hit him and recent news is that he is into seclusion and is planning to convert himself and the rest of the tigers to Zoroastrianism. Such was the effect of this great weapon.

The Indian government is currently trying to patent this process of training mercenaries. Also, this training is going to be made compulsory in training along with arms and other survival training.

God save the country who dares to try and rub us the wrong way!!!


Nature's Design said...

You are tagged!! Find out from my blog!!

Varsha Krishnan Ravishankar said...

ur articles make an interesting read ... good work ... bumped into ur blog from mine ... u had left a comment on my sketches :) .. thanks for the same ... varsha

Varsha Krishnan Ravishankar said...

hey ... will update my blog in a few days, workn on a sketch and now trying my hands on oil painting. and thanks for reminding me that i last updated my blog ages back :D ..

Varsha Krishnan Ravishankar said...

just updated my blog .. and gimme a better way to let u know that ive updated my sketches !!!

Varsha Krishnan Ravishankar said...

where are you these days?